What is Zwobbles about?

Zwobbles are cute balls of fur that roll around in the Zwora forest. When Lonolo wants to destroy their home, Muffin decides that they won’t give up their home without a fight.

Explore the Zwobble universe by traversing though various levels and the unique ways. Zwobbles interact with eachother and the environment in this story-driven action adventure platformer!

My role during the development

My role was producer and developer. With a group of 2 developers and 2 artists, we had 2 weeks to create the game. This includes choosing the mechanics, creating the schedules, programming, art and trailer.

As a developer, I developed all of the environmental mechanics (Interactables).
As a producer, I learned how to create and organise tasks for a team, and how to properly plan the development of a prototype for a development cycle of 2 weeks.

This projet was part of an incubator program called DAE Studios DAELogo.png

Game Features

Cuddle mechanics

-Roll into another zwobble to stick together and become a cuddle.  

-Disconnect one zwobble to give a boost to the cuddle.  


-Static moss helps you to become static. Becoming static gives you the ability to traverse static walls.

-Weighted flowers need a certain amount of zwobbles in a cuddle to activate and open doors.

-Jumpshrooms are mushrooms that are very bouncy

-Jump on them to reach higher places.

Lonolo and his henchmen

-Lonolo is an evil zwobble that wants to destroy the zwora forest and all zwobbles in it. Throughout the levels, you will meet various of his henchmen that will try to stop you. They set traps in the level. Since they’re zwobbles, you can add them to your cuddle to help you through the level. They won’t be that easy to cath tho.